To ensure a safe group club rides, we ask you to observe the following…
- Follow the Highway Code at all times.
- Your road bike must be in roadworthy condition.
- You must wear a cycling helmet that is in good condition.
- Advise your group if you intend to leave the group ride before the end.
- Give more space to new or unfamiliar riders.
- Avoid riding with your front wheel overlapping/alongside the rider in front (âhalf wheelingâ).
- Avoid sudden changes of direction or sharp braking. Make sure you know where other cyclists are before moving left, right, slowing or stopping. If slowing or stopping give an audible signal âSlowingâ or âStoppingâ.
- Wear club kit whenever possible. It is easier for the Ride Leaders to pick out BCC riders.
- No headphones.
- No tri-bars.