2015 was the first full calendar year for the club and its safe to say it was pretty immense. We have achieved much and this is in no small part thanks to everyone who has been involved in the club and its organisation. On behalf of the club, a massive thanks to the committee and volunteers for all the work throughout the year. The committee would like to extend its gratitude to the membership for making the club such a friendly and welcoming environment – I know we are all looking forward to a big year and some great achievements on the road.
The BCC 2015 AGM and Prize Giving Party was held at Berkhamsted Cricket Club on Friday 6th November with a great attendance from the club and a resounding success! The first hour was taken up with club formalities and then the party continued late into the evening.
Joining the committee ranks in Q4, Jo as our Event Coordinator and Neil, our Sportive Officer. We also welcomed Nick V as Performance Co-ord. We had our very first awards ceremony, here are some photos of that auspicious occasion to remind you all of the winners!